My Lego First Order Star Destroyer

My Lego First Order Star Destroyer

Hey everyone AwesomeEwok here! And today I’m gonna tell you about the Lego First Order Star Destroyer that I got for my birthday. First off it’s just an awesome set to play with. This Star Destroyer is the 5th one that Lego has made. And it is the largest out of all of them. Its outside has a pattern that makes it look like it came straight out of the movie. It also has stud shooters for cannons and it has a handle so you can take it on the go. Now the inside which is  totally cool looks like you’re actually inside a star destroyer. Inside it has the bridge where all the pilots sit and control the ship. Next it has stairs leading to a computer area. Then it has a doorway that leads to a conference room with a table. Across from the table there is an Lego elevator which leads to supreme Leader Snooke’s room .

Overall the ship’s design is incredible and its features are great.  The ship looks epic and its super fun to play with. It also is one of the first sets to have one huge instruction booklet. This set took a long time to build and it’s totally worth the effort. Well that’s all the time I have, I’m AwesomeEwok and remember to yub nub on.resize

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